resize tomcat heap
#before heap size [root@localhost min]# jmap -heap 109487 Attaching to process ID 109487, please wait... Debugger attached successfully. Server compiler detected. JVM version is 25.252-b09 using thread-local object allocation. Parallel GC with 2 thread(s) Heap Configuration: MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 MaxHeapFreeRatio = 100 MaxHeapSize = 987758592 (942.0MB) NewSize = 20971520 (20.0MB) MaxNewSize = 329252864 (314.0MB) OldSize = 41943040 (40.0MB) NewRatio = 2 SurvivorRatio = 8 MetaspaceSize = 21807104 (20.796875MB) CompressedClassSpaceSize = 1073741824 (1024.0MB) MaxMetaspaceSize = 17592186044415 MB G1HeapRegionSize = 0 (0.0MB) Heap Usage: PS Young Generation Eden Space: capacity = 278921216 (266.0MB) used = 22089864 (21.06653594970703MB) free = 256831352 (244.93346405029297MB) 7.919750357032719% used ...